Public Health Annual Scientific Conference 2015
The Public Health Agency and partners hosted the fourth Public Health Annual Scientific Conference on Wednesday 10 June 2015 at Riddel Hall, Stranmillis Road, Belfast.
The theme of the Conference was 'Making Life Better – Improving health and care for adults'.
It focused on how public health innovations, research and practice are meeting the needs of our adult population between the ages of 18–64 years.
The conference format included keynote speakers, a panel discussion and a number of short presentations running in parallel sessions.
A copy of the conference programme along with some of the presentations are available below.
2015 Public Health Annual Scientific Conference.docx
Are shared education netwoks social G Robinson.pdf
Barriers and motivators in screening programmes Diane Anderson.pdf
Burden of living with suicidal family member Siobhan O 'Neill.pdf
Cancer screening programmesDiane Anderson.pdf
Changes in financial risk of food poverty Lorraine Fahy.pdf
Dying earlly - dying unnecessarily Andrew Gamble.pdf
Effect of free healthy lunches in workplaceDésirée Schliemann.pdf
Empowering healthy living by promoting sport N Heron.pdf
Enough is enough - food poverty Liz Mitchell.pdf
Evaluation of campaign raising awareness of obesity Karen Beattie.pdf
Evaluation of Healthwise physical activity programme Sean McQuade.pdf
evaluation of positive living programmes Debbie Gillespie.pdf
Evaluation of reducing hazardous - harmful alcohol misuse.pdf
Exposure to trauma and associations with suicidal behaviour Siobhan O'Neill.pdf
Farm family health checks Diane McIntyre.pdf
Fit 4 U Active Lifestyles M Casey & J Cosgrove.pdf
Hidden social networks in behaviour change int. Ruth Hunter.pdf
Holistic approach to tackling cold homes Alison Briggs.pdf
Inintentional injuries in adults Andrew Gamble.ppt
Making life better- individuals with rare diseases AJ mCKnight.pdf
Mellow parenting Deirdre McParland.pdf
Nuitrition Takeout series Charmaine McGowan.pdf
Oh Sit Down M Tully.pdfPeople not Pathogens A Story.pdf
Post Rehab enablement programme for stroke survivors Frances Campbell.pdf
Public_Health_Conference_prog_june_2015 Final.pdf
REACH project Lynne Smart.pdf
Record Linkage Dermot O'Reilly.pptx
Smoking Cessation JBritton.pdf
Stop smoking services Gerry Bleakney.pptx
Supporting the health & wellbeing of people who are blind A Briggs.pdf
Systematic Review -Behavioural Change interventions during pregnancy.pdf
Tackling burden of alcohol Richard Cherry.pdf
Toxic relationship between debt and mental health Declan French.pdf
Western Green Gym Dianne Keys.pdf
Working towards mental health wellbeing Amanda Jones.pdf
Young adults perspectives on mental health recovery Claire McCauley.pdf