Music therapists
Music therapists use music with service users of all ages whose lives have been affected by life events, disability, illness, trauma or difficulties associated with ageing.
Music therapy is an established psychological clinical intervention. Music therapists aim to achieve a better quality of life for service users through prevention, early intervention, rehabilitation or treatment. Music therapists work in a diverse range of settings such as health and social care, education, the charitable sector, criminal justice and forensic services. They work across acute settings, rehabilitation centres, community settings, specialist music therapy centres, and in people’s homes.
Music therapy can help service users connect with themselves and others and can be exciting or calming, joyful or poignant. Music therapy can stir memories and powerfully resonate feelings, helping service users to express themselves and communicate with others.
British Association for Music Therapy
2nd Floor, Claremont Building, 24 – 27 White Lion Street, London, N1 9PD
Tel.: 020 7837 6100