Tender opportunities

The PHA operates a rolling procurement programme to commission services or initiatives that will improve health and wellbeing outcomes and address major health inequalities. In this the PHA will seek to:

  • ensure awards maximise overall quality and cost effectiveness, with a strong emphasis on service quality and delivering the best outcomes for service users
  • reflect any necessary considerations in terms of knowledge around the needs for group, population or community at whom the service or initiative is aimed
  • create stable care arrangements by putting in place contracts of adequate duration
  • take into account market considerations
  • apply lotting as appropriate to tenders (for example scaled to provide co-terminosity with a community, Trust, Council or other relevant boundary). Tenderers will be free to bid for one or more lot(s). Some services may require a regional tender across Northern Ireland.

Key points to note:

  • Following public advertisement of tenders, organisations will have sufficient time to complete and return the tender documentation;
  • Tenderers should pay close attention to the method of submission of tenders as there may be necessary variations in the process – this will be clearly identified in the Tender Invitation and Instructions for Tendering;
  • It is anticipated that some of the tenders will use the e-procurement system and the PHA recommends that all prospective tenderers should consider; registering and familiarising themselves with this system;
  • Prospective tenderers should familiarise themselves with the concept of ‘unit pricing’ and give consideration to how they would formulate a unit price for their service which is both competitive and realistic;
  • As tenders are released or are scheduled for release, this website shall continue to provide updates for public information;
  • PHA staff are unable to discuss the details of tenders with any prospective tenderer once the procurement process has started.