Funding opportunities

To advance our priorities and objectives, a range of services and initiatives will be procured or grant funded by the Public Health Agency (PHA) to improve health and wellbeing outcomes and address major health inequalities.

This portal will contain information on procurement and grant funding opportunities as well as associated specifications and guidance. If you are interested in procurement and grant funding opportunities with the PHA please keep this portal under regular review and note any timescales set for responses.

The PHA welcomes responses from all interested parties, large or small, whether community, voluntary or private as long as they can meet the requirements identified and demonstrate that they can deliver the benefits expected.

To view current grants and tender opportunities or archived information please click the appropriate sections below.

Current funding opportunities

Archive information

Changes in PHA advertising of funding opportunities

The PHA will no longer advertise funding opportunities in regional or local newspapers.

The PHA will advertise social care tender opportunities and grant funding awards on its website  

Accessing Application Documentation

  • Grant funding opportunities - providers will be able to access the appropriate application documentation directly from the PHA website.
  • Social Care Procurements - providers will be directed to the procurement web portal eTendersNI, at  Potential service providers should familiarise themselves with the eTendersNI portal and register as soon as possible.  The ‘Suppliers new to eTendersNI’ section of the website provides guidance on registering and learning how to navigate the eTendersNI portal as well as selecting the tender you wish to bid for.

The link below provides detailed information on the preparation and submission of tenders through the online e-Tendering system. Please read this guide carefully before preparing a tender response.

CPV codes - When providers first register on the portal there is an option to choose a Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) code(s) that they are interested in. We would advise you to select a broad range of CPV codes in the first instance and filter/refine at a later stage. The system will then notify you via email when tenders relating to your chosen CPV codes are advertised. However, it is still advisable to check the portal regularly for tender opportunities. 

Note - The Public Contract Regulations set out the CPV codes which are relevant to Health and Social Care Services; the full list of CPV codes can be downloaded from in an Excel form.