Modernising the Diabetic Eye Screening Programme


Diabetic eye disease is one of the leading causes of blindness in people of working age in the UK. The Northern Ireland Diabetic Eye Screening Programme (NIDESP) aims to detect diabetic eye disease at an early stage and prevent sight loss in those with diabetes aged 12 years and over in Northern Ireland. It is important for patients with diabetes to attend a diabetic eye screening test as this is not routinely covered as part of a normal eye test with an optometrist.

Currently, the NIDESP is undergoing a modernisation project to ensure that it remains a sustainable service and continues to improve in line with national standards.

This work has been led by a Project Board and Project Team with representatives from a variety of backgrounds including those that work in the screening programme, those involved in wider diabetes and ophthalmic care, a service user and representatives from Diabetes UK (NI) and the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB).

As part of this modernisation project, the model for delivering the screening programme has been reviewed. The Project Board would like to hear your views and feedback on proposals to change how the service is delivered. These are being sought through a public consultation that will take place over 12 weeks from 7 January to 29 March 2019.

Further detail including the consultation document, summary and a link to the consultation questionnaire is available at