Consultation: Equality and Disability Action Plans 2023-28

Consultation now closed, final report published Equality and disability action plans 2023-2028

The Public Health Agency has developed new draft Equality and Disability Action Plans for 2023-28.

The Equality Action Plan looks at actions we want to take to tackle inequalities across all equality categories. The purpose of our Disability Action Plan is to look at things we want to do to promote positive attitudes towards disabled people and encourage their participation in our work areas.

We are consulting on our new Equality and Disability Action Plans. If you would like further information and share your views please get in touch with us.

  • Prowadzimy konsultacje w sprawie naszych nowych planów działania dotyczących równości i niepełnosprawności.  Jeśli chcesz uzyskać więcej informacji i podzielić się swoją opinią, skontaktuj się z nami.

  • نحن نجري استشارة حول خططنا الاجرائية الجديدة المتعلقة بالاعاقة والمساواة   اذا كنت ترغب
  • بالحصول على المزيد من المعلومات وابداء ارائك حولها ، فيرجى منك التواصل معنا
  • Konsultuojame dėl naujų lygybės ir negalios veiksmų planų.  Jei norėtumėte gauti daugiau detalios informacijos ar pageidaujate pasidalinti savo nuomone, prašom susisiekite su mumis
  • Facem consultații cu privire la noile noastre planuri de acțiune pentru egalitate și dizabilitate  Dacă doriți informații suplimentare și dacă doriți să ne spuneți părerea dvs. vă rugăm să ne contactați.
  • Провеждаме консултации за нашите нови планове за действия относно равенството и увреждания.  Ако желаете да получите допълнителна информация и да споделите възгледите си, свържете се с нас.
  • Estamos a consultar sobre os nossos novos Planos de Ação para a Igualdade e Deficiência.  Se desejar obter mais informações e quiser partilhar os seus pareceres, queira entrar em contacto connosco.
  • Ami halo hela konsulta kona-ba Planu Asaun Defisiensia no Igualidade foun.  Se Ita hakarak informasaun kle'an no hato'o Ita-nia vizaun sira entaun favor kontaktu ami.
  • Konzultujeme naše nové akčné plány pre rovnosť a zdravotné postihnutia.  Ak by ste chceli ďalšie informácie alebo podeliť sa o svoje názory, kontaktujte nás
  • Waxaan kala tashanaynaa Qorsheyaashayada Waxqabadka Sinaanta iyo Naafada.  Ihaddii aad rabto macluumaad dheeri ah oo aad nala wadaagto aragtidaada fadlan nala soo xiriir.
  • Мы проводим консультации по нашим новым планам действий по обеспечению равноправия и помощи людям с инвалидностью.  Если вы хотите получить дополнительную информацию и поделиться своим мнением, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами.

The consultation will close at 5pm on Monday 3 July 2023.

We are jointly consulting together with 10 other Health and Social Care organisations who we work with on equality and disability matters. The Equality Unit in the Business Services Organisation, who support us in our work, are co-ordinating this consultation on our behalf.

You can share your comments in writing either by

If you would like to meet with us in person or over the phone to share your views, you can contact:

Mark Johnston
Phone: 0300 555 0114
Public Health Agency
4th Floor
12-22 Linenhall Street
Belfast BT2 8BS

We also intend to organise some consultation events and will publish further information on these on this website soon.

Please click on the links below to view the consultation documents.

We are consulting on our new Equality and Disability Action Plans. If you would like further information and share your views please get in touch with us.

Mark Johnston
Phone: 0300 555 0114
Public Health Agency
4th Floor
12-22 Linenhall Street
Belfast BT2 8BS