Pre-Tender Market Engagement - Tender for the provision of Early Intervention Support Services for Families with Children between 0-18 years old

The PHA wishes to inform the market that they are planning to procure the provision of Early Intervention Support Services for Families with Children between 0-18 years old and has issued a Prior Information Notice (PIN) and Pre-tender Market Engagement Paper.

Service - This Early Intervention Support Service objective is to support families when problems first emerge, with the aim of de-escalating issues of concern, achieving sustainable change, promoting capability and capacity within families to problem solve difficulties they are or may experience in the future and diverting them from statutory intervention services using the combined expertise of participating agencies.

The Service is being offered in 5 Lots

  • Lot 1: Specific geographic areas within the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust Area
  • Lot 2: Specific geographic areas within the Northern Health and Social Care Trust Area
  • Lot 3: Specific geographic areas within the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust Area
  • Lot 4: Specific geographic areas within the Southern Health and Social Care Trust Area
  • Lot 5: Specific geographic areas within the Western Health and Social Care Trust Area

The PHA wishes to carry out pre-tender market engagement with interested providers using the Pre-tender Market Engagement Paper.

The purpose of the PIN and the Paper is to raise awareness of an upcoming procurement; gauge the level of interest in the provision of such services; engage / receive feedback from the market by outlining the PHA’s proposals for the delivery of this service, its procurement plans and requirements, in advance of any formal tender process.

In the interests of transparency and equal treatment this paper-based approach i.e. Pre-Tender Market Engagement Paper, conducted in writing is being used for the purpose of pre-tender market engagement in advance of any tender process.

The Paper, which includes a questionnaire at the back for interested providers to respond to if they so wish, will be available on eTendersNI ( under resource ID:4325002. The Prior Information Notice (PIN) has been published on the same site -

Pre Tender Market Engagement- Tender for the provision of Early Intervention Support Services for Families with Children between 0-18 years old

Tenderers must be registered on eTendersNI and have selected the Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) Code 85000000 (Health and social work services). Any subsequent tender opportunity will also be advertised using this same procurement portal.

Full tender details will be included in the suite of tender documents which will be available for download when the tender is advertised. The tender is likely to be advertised in August 2022.

Note: This is not a call for tender. Market engagement is for information purposes only. Any interest shown does not constitute a commitment to participate in a procurement exercise. Failure to show interest does not restrict providers from participating in any procurement exercise.

There is no guarantee a procurement process will run.

Closing date