Living Well MMR vaccination campaign

MMR banner with words measles, mumps and rubella

Measles is highly infectious and is caused by a virus that can spread easily between unvaccinated people. It used to be common in children, but following the introduction of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, cases became very rare with no confirmed cases in Northern Ireland for seven years.

Measles can be unpleasant and will usually clear in about seven to 10 days without causing any further problems. Unfortunately, for some individuals, measles can lead to serious and potentially life-threatening complications. 
Falling vaccination rates in recent years has led to a growing number of measles cases in Europe and the UK, with a number of cases diagnosed in Northern Ireland in recent months. 

The MMR vaccine is the safest way to protect from measles, mumps and rubella infections. Two doses offer lifelong protection against becoming seriously unwell with these diseases.

The 'MMR vaccination' campaign aims to increase uptake of the MMR vaccine, especially for children as part of the routine childhood immunisation schedule. The campaign will run in June and July 2024 in Living Well community pharmacies.

Living Well is a community-based pharmacy service offered in over 500 pharmacies across Northern Ireland. It is delivered in partnership with the Public Health Agency, Community Pharmacy NI, and the Department of Health. The service supports people in improving their health and wellbeing by:

•    raising awareness of various public health messages and campaigns;
•    sharing of health and wellbeing information;
•    signposting to a relevant health professional, service or support in the community;
•    using behavioural interventions, if appropriate.

Through the Living Well service, pharmacies help address risk factors that contribute to ill health in Northern Ireland. 

During the campaign period, members of the public are encouraged to visit their local community pharmacy to find out more about the importance of MMR vaccination and to pick up a Measles Mumps Rubella vaccination leaflet.

For more on the MMR vaccine, visit 

For information on the childhood immunisation programme, visit