Public Health Agency Stakeholder Engagement – Alcohol and Drug Services
This stakeholder engagement has now ended
The Public Health Agency (PHA) will be putting the Drug and Alcohol services that it funds out to tender next year.
To help us ensure the services meet the needs of the population, we are asking those who use the services, those who provide services and others affected by drug and alcohol issues for their views.
This will help the PHA to:
- Understand what services over the next 4-7 years will best meet the needs of service users and achieve the best outcomes possible with the funding available, and to understand how these services are best delivered
- Identify the key issues around drugs and alcohol and consider the wider factors that affect these issues, so that we can agree what our priorities should be for the next 4 – 7 years
- Gain a deeper understanding of the various needs and interests of those who will be affected by the services that we fund
We are particularly interested in the views of those directly affected by the services we fund: - those who use the services, or could benefit from using them;
- friends and family of those affected by alcohol/drug use;
- those who deliver the services and/or related services (e.g. mental health services, homelessness services, etc.).
We are also keen to hear the views of the wider public and those living in communities affected by alcohol/drug related issues.Please note that that discussions will focus on those services that the PHA fund.
How to get involved
These stakeholder engagement sessions have now ended
If you would like to contribute your views to this process there are two ways you can do this:
You can register for one of the Stakeholder Engagement Sessions which will be held online using Zoom. The registration form is available here; Drugs and Alcohol Stakeholder Engagement Invitation_0.docx
And/or you can complete the online survey available which will be available from 15th October 2020 to 18th November 2020;
Information on current services
PMR Summary 2018-19.xlsx – these data show the current uptake of PHA funded alcohol/drug services.
Outcomes from Services – these data show the outcomes for those who have used PHA funded alcohol/drug services.
Evidence base reviews – this section contains reviews of the evidence base for each of our service models.
- DA Evidence scoping 2020 - Regional Service User Network (2).pdf
- DA Evidence scoping 2020 - Step 2 youth treatment (2).pdf
- DA Evidence scoping 2020 - Targeted prevention (2).pdf
- DA Evidence scoping 2020 - Therapeutic services for CYP familes with parental substance misuse.pdf
- DA Evidence Scoping 2020 - Workforce Dev.pdf
- DA Evidence scoping 2020 - Connections_0.pdf
- DA Evidence scoping 2020 - Targeted prevention.pdf
- DA Evidence scoping 2020 -Low Threshold Service.pdf
- Extent of substance misuse in NI update Oct 20.pdf
- DA Evidence scoping 2020 - Adult Step 2.pdf