Guidance for healthcare professionals, carers and care homes
General guidance
- Autumn/winter 2023/24 vaccine programme - Home Manager Checklist
- Care Home Guidance for Vaccination During an Outbreak
- Respiratory Illnesses – NI Infection Control Manual
- Guidance for General Dental Practitioners
- Guidance for Homeless Providers in Northern Ireland
- Guidance for Domiciliary Care Providers
- Guidance for Adoption Services
- Guidance for Nursing and Residential Care Homes
- Regional nutrition guidance for care home residents with suspected or confirmed COVID-19
- Advice for staff in care homes on eating, drinking and swallowing during COVID-19 can
- Guidance for visiting in care settings in Northern Ireland
- Advice for care home staff to help communication with clients during the pandemic
- Guidance for carers and care home staff on the wide range of symptoms which can be associated with COVID-19
- Key principles for HSC Trust staff visiting community settings
- A poster designed to remind staff in care homes of the need to continue following precautions against spreading COVID-19, even after they have been vaccinated
- Guidance for HSC staff visiting educational settings
- Guidance for supported living providers
Verification of life extinct in nursing or residential care homes
The Chief Nursing Officer and Chief Medical Offer recently requested assistance with expanding the role of verification of life extinct by nurses. In support of this, the PHA have produced a series of ‘Frequently asked questions’ and a draft ‘Verification of Life Extinct (VLE) in a Nursing or Residential Care Home Policy’ to enable care home providers to produce their own policy.
Swabbing for COVID-19
- Guidance on swabbing for COVID-19 in care homes and supported living centres
- The video below provides guidance for professionals who need to perform a swab test to COVID-19.
Bereavement resources
Guidance has been produced to support HSC and care home staff in dealing with grief and bereavement during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- A guide for care homes to supporting staff, residents and their families
- Advice for staff who have experienced the death of a colleague
- Bereavement resources for the general public