Relationship and Sexuality Education in the community
The Public Health Agency (PHA) wishes to tender for the provision of Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE). This social care initiative is a Part B Service - which means that the Public Contracts Regulations only apply in part. This Service is to be delivered in community settings to young people aged 11-25 years, across Northern Ireland.
These contracts will run for 3 years from the 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2018 with a possible further two 12 months extension until 31 March 2020.
The total value of the Contracts will be £275,500 per annum. If additional funds are made available there could potentially be up to 40% being added to the contracts on an in year basis.
The contracts will be awarded to four organisations who will deliver programmes throughout and across all of Northern Ireland.
Please register for a tender pack by clicking the link in the side bar under ‘Registration and Tender Pack.’ Once you have registered, you will be able to download the tender pack.
The closing date for the submission of completed tender responses and accompanying information is 12:00 noon on Friday 10 October 2014 and should be returned to the following email address phatender.rse@hscni.net
Tenderers should note that there are a number of social clauses attached to these contracts. For further details please refer to the tender pack.
Please click on the Word document below to view the latest Questions and Answers regarding the RSE Tender.