Packs give best start to those in new homes
People who have moved into a new tenancy after a period of homelessness are benefitting from a Public Health Agency ‘Home Starter Pack’ scheme which provides essential hygiene and toiletry items as well as small household appliances and utensils.
PHA funding of £53,000 has allowed the purchase of approximately 2,000 hygiene packs and 275 Home Starter Packs. The starter pack includes bedding, microwave, kettle, toaster, iron and ironing board, cutlery, crockery, cleaning equipment, and towels for the kitchen and bathroom. Hygiene packs include essential toiletries and underwear.
The scheme is being managed by Council for the Homeless NI (CHNI), with support from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and First Housing.
Mary Black, Assistant Director of Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement at the PHA, said: “The move from homelessness to more settled accommodation is a huge step and has a major impact on health and wellbeing. The Home Starter Packs will be essential in helping to ensure a good start, or restart, after some time without a permanent home. Inequalities are a challenge for our society as a whole, and this practical support, along with services provided with our partners, will improve outcomes for some of our most vulnerable citizens.
“Working with our partners in the housing and homelessness sector will ensure that this initiative focuses on those in greatest need”.
Ricky Rowledge, Chief Executive of the Council for the Homeless (NI), added: "On behalf of those organisations working with people moving out of temporary into more permanent accommodation, and the tenants themselves, we are extremely grateful to the Public Health Agency for making this generous funding gesture. By helping people settle in their new home, this starter pack scheme helps the tenant make their house a home, and will go some way to ensure that they are able to maintain and sustain their tenancies. This in turn helps reduce the likelihood of future homelessness.
“We also thank the Northern Ireland Housing Executive for the provision of warehouse space, and extend particular thanks to their Direct Labour Organisation team for their support in organising and delivering packs, as well as to First Housing, without which these items would not be circulated to those who need them.”
Liam Kinney from the Housing Executive’s Homelessness Unit said: “This is an excellent initiative giving a practical, welcome boost at the start of a tenancy and we are pleased to play our part to help make it a success.”
All of the packs through the scheme have already been distributed.