Mental wellbeing campaign resources prove popular across the region

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Sunday 10 October marks World Mental Health Day as well as the official end of the HSC Mental and Emotional Wellbeing campaign 2021.

The five week social media campaign ‘Holding On To Hope in a Changing World’ campaign, linked World Suicide Prevention Day on Friday 10 September through to World Mental Health Day on 10 October.

Northern Ireland’s six Health and Social Care Trusts joined forces for the second year running with the Public Health Agency (PHA) to create the campaign with the support of the Health and Social Care Board and community and voluntary organisations. The aim of the campaign is to help raise awareness of what we can do for ourselves and others to nurture hope in these challenging times.

Some of the key elements of the campaign were the Hope Quiz and the Interactive Campaign Pack filled with resources and advice.

Over 3,000 people visited the Hope Quiz over the five weeks and depending on how people scored, they were then sign-posted to appropriate support and advice.

Fiona Teague, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention lead at the Public Health Agency said: “The official campaign may be over but the information and support will remain on the website. The resources in the pack have proved not only invaluable to those who may want to find more ways to support their own mental wellbeing but also useful for health professionals and those working in the community and voluntary sector, who as part of their roles, need to sign-post people to support and or advice.

“There were many visits to the online training section including the free online ‘Stress Control’ classes and ‘Living Life to the Full’, where 1,000 people viewed the materials.

“The section on how to ‘Challenge Negative Thinking’, has proved to be very popular and it’s for this reason the campaign organisers are offering a free follow-up webinar to support this.”

Dr Maria Kee, a former consultant psychiatrist and cognitive behavioural therapist who now specialises in positive psychology, will host the webinar on Monday 18 October at 12-1pm and will share techniques about how to think positively and hold on to hope for the future.

Professor Siobhan O’Neill, Mental Health Champion for Northern Ireland added: “As the campaign comes to a close on World Mental Health Day this week, finding hope is still important and I would recommend that everyone uses the resources as a support for your mental health and wellbeing whenever you need it. I am glad to see that so many people have taken the time to access the excellent support materials and would encourage everyone to share the resources with your friends, families and colleagues as well. 

“Winter can be a challenging time for many of us, but remember help is available. Seek out ways that can support you and those around you to help nurture hope and develop positive mental and emotional wellbeing.”

To register for the free webinar on Monday 18 October 12 – 1pm go to

For all campaign materials and resources please visit