Do your kids know the risks associated with alcohol and drugs?
Thousands of young people across Northern Ireland will receive exam results in the coming days and ahead of this the Public Health Agency (PHA) is encouraging parents to have a chat about alcohol and drugs with their children.
Lots of young people will go out socialising with their school friends after they receive results and it is important they are aware of the dangers associated with the use of alcohol and drugs.
Davis Turkington, Senior Health and Wellbeing Improvement Officer with the PHA, encouraged parents to talk to their children openly ahead of results time.
“A lot of teenagers will go out when they receive their results either to celebrate or commiserate. In both cases there is the danger that the young person could drink to excess or take drugs.
“Parents can take the opportunity over the next couple of days to bring up the subject and let their children know about the risks. Parents can also encourage their children to socialise without using alcohol or drugs.
“If your son or daughter is of legal age, it is important to talk to them about keeping safe if they choose to drink and to stay within safe drinking limits.”
The PHA is also encouraging parents to talk to their children about the risks of taking drugs.
“The misuse of any drugs can result in damage to your health,” said Davis.
“You can never be exactly sure of the make-up of recreational drugs, whether sold as illicit drugs or as ‘legal highs’.
“We encourage parents to talk to their children about drug use and the risks associated with it. Parents should emphasise to their children that the only way to avoid these risks is to not take drugs.”
Some teenagers may not get the grades they hoped for and this can have leave them feeling low or anxious about their future. Parents are urged to look out for behaviour or feelings that could indicate that their child is showing signs of stress.
More information on looking after mental health and the support available in Northern Ireland can be found at
For further information on alcohol limits and where to get help for both alcohol and drug problems see
For tips on broaching the subject of alcohol with your child see