Patient and client experience
The purpose of the Patient Client Experience team is to analyse the experiences of patients, clients, carers, relatives (collectively referred to as service users) and staff through a number of tested data collection methods. The two main methods are:
1. Care Opinion:
This is an online user feedback system providing a platform for services users to share feedback on services they have engaged and to share what is important to them. The system supports two-way feedback between the service user and service staff and allows for analysis of the experience from service level supporting local service improvement, to regional strategic learning to influence commissioning and service development.
2. 10,000 More Voices:
This initiative supports in depth analysis of experience using service user narrative and software called “Sensemaker®”. Sensemaker captures and orders the thinking of people’s attitudes, perceptions and experiences within a complex culture. The workplan for 10,000 more voices is informed by strategic programmes and feedback from other sources (such as Care Opinion/complaints/incident) to look deeper at the issues and the experience of a defined service or process.
Overall the outcome of PCE is to ensure the voices of the service user and their experience results in change and improvement in the system and to ensure the changes are proactive and impact positively upon the greater majority of people who engage the services across the whole health and social care system.
For further information please visit the Care Opinion and 10,000 More Voices websites here:
Michelle Tennyson is the Assistant Director with responsibility for Allied Health Professions, Personal and Public Involvement, and Patient Client Experience. The AHP, PPI and PCE teams in the Public Health Agency (PHA) sit within the Nursing and AHP Directorate.
Regional Lead for Patient Client Experience is Linda Craig.