Q Community
We are delighted to welcome 93 new Northern Ireland Q Members
Q is an initiative connecting people who have health and care improvement expertise across the UK. It is being led by the Health Foundation and supported and co-funded by NHS Improvement.
The Q community is made of up a diverse range of people including those at the front line of health and social care, patient leaders, managers, commissioners, researchers, policymakers, and others.
All our Q members existing and new are invited to join us at the next Northern Ireland Q event on the 27th March 2018 at the Crumlin Road Goal, Belfast. This is an opportunity to meet other members of the Q community, share ideas and make connections for the future.
Q is not a taught programme, but a network of support for those already knowledgeable in undertaking improvement. There is no membership fee or minimum time commitment. Q is designed to support busy people with their current improvement work, on-going development and promote their visibility as a leader of improvement.
Recruitment to Q will be opening again in Spring 2018 and you can get more information about this and register your interest via the Health Foundation website: https://q.health.org.uk/join-q/).
Those interested in joining Q will need to demonstrate knowledge and experience of improvement and reflect on how they can benefit and contribute to the community
Further details can be obtained by contacting the Safety Forum office – email dawn.clarke@hscni.net