Mental Health Strategy - Early Intervention and Prevention Action Plan 2022-2025

Mental Health Strategy title page

In recognition that mental ill health is one of the greatest challenges facing both society and services, the Department of Health published the Mental Health Strategy, 2021-2031, in June 2021.

The Strategy sets out 35 actions under three overarching themes:

Theme 1 - promoting mental wellbeing, resilience and good mental health across society;

Theme 2 – providing the right support at the right time; and

Theme 3 – new ways of working.


Additional information

The Public Health Agency co-ordinates a collaborative approach to implement the action plan led by a cross sectoral Steering Group and Sub Groups with membership from; a range of government departments, health & social care, the community &voluntary sector and academia.

Click below or go to downloads section to access the programmes’ newsletter which provides information about the work underway: 


38 pages, Word document
Target group
Government departments, arms length bodies, HSCTs, voluntary and community sectors, local government