Be breast aware for signs of cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the Public Health Agency (PHA) is encouraging everyone to be breast aware and know the signs and symptoms of breast cancer.
“There were almost 1,500 cases of breast cancer diagnosed in Northern Ireland in 2019,” said Dr Louise Herron, Consultant in Service Development and Screening at the PHA.
“While breast cancer can occur at any age, the risk of developing it increases with age and most occur in women over the age of 50.
“If breast cancer is found early, there is a better chance that treatment will be successful.
“To ensure you pick up any changes in your breasts you need to be aware of what is normal for you. Regular breast self-examination will help you to do this and to notice changes so you can spot potential problems.”
Dr Herron encouraged everyone to be familiar with the breast awareness five-point code.
The breast awareness five-point code
1. Know what is normal for you;
2. Know what changes to look and feel for;
3. Look and feel;
4. Report any changes to your GP immediately;
5. Attend for breast screening from the age of 50.
“There are a number of changes that could indicate that cancer may be present and it is important to check for these regularly. Our breasts look and feel different at different times in our lives, but if you are worried about any change at all, the best way to put your mind at rest is to speak to your GP,” added Dr Herron.
Breast awareness: changes to look out for
- a change in the size or outline of either breast, especially those caused by arm movement;
- puckering, dimpling or redness of the skin;
- veins that stand out more than usual.
- lumps or thickening in either breast that feel different from the other breast;
- swelling or lumps under your armpit or around your collarbone.
Nipple changes
- a nipple that has become pulled in, changed shape;
- signs of nipple discharge, bleeding, rash or crusted, flaky skin.
- although pain on its own is not usually a sign of breast cancer, do not ignore unexplained pain or a change in sensation in your breast.
For further information on the changes to look out for visit
For further information on breast cancer visit
Information about breast screening is available at
A mass media campaign ‘Spot Cancer Early’ was recently launched by Cancer Research UK (CRUK), in partnership with the PHA and Northern Ireland Cancer Network (NICaN). Further information can be found at