Tender opportunities

The PHA operates a rolling procurement programme to commission services or initiatives that will improve health and wellbeing outcomes and address major health inequalities. In this the PHA will seek to:

  • ensure awards maximise overall quality and cost effectiveness, with a strong emphasis on service quality and delivering the best outcomes for service users
  • reflect any necessary considerations in terms of knowledge around the needs for group, population or community at whom the service or initiative is aimed
  • create stable care arrangements by putting in place contracts of adequate duration
  • take into account market considerations
  • apply lotting as appropriate to tenders (for example scaled to provide co-terminosity with a community, Trust, Council or other relevant boundary). Tenderers will be free to bid for one or more lot(s). Some services may require a regional tender across Northern Ireland.

Key points to note:

  • Following public advertisement of tenders, organisations will have sufficient time to complete and return the tender documentation;
  • Tenderers should pay close attention to the method of submission of tenders as there may be necessary variations in the process – this will be clearly identified in the Tender Invitation and Instructions for Tendering;
  • It is anticipated that some of the tenders will use the e-procurement system and the PHA recommends that all prospective tenderers should consider; registering and familiarising themselves with this system;
  • Prospective tenderers should familiarise themselves with the concept of ‘unit pricing’ and give consideration to how they would formulate a unit price for their service which is both competitive and realistic;
  • As tenders are released or are scheduled for release, this website shall continue to provide updates for public information;
  • PHA staff are unable to discuss the details of tenders with any prospective tenderer once the procurement process has started.

Current tender opportunities

There are no current tender opportunities

Archived tender opportunities

Tender number Theme Name of tender Closing date Sort ascending
5313954 Drugs and Alcohol Tender for Workforce Development Training [5313954]
5255636 Drugs and Alcohol Community Based Early Intervention Services for Adults and Family Members / Carers / People affected by Substance Use [5255636]
5450119 Tender for the provision of a shared reading service in the NI criminal justice setting (CfT No. 5450119)
4352378 Community Based Psychological Intervention and Support Services for People who Self-Harm including support for their Family / Carer / Support Person [4352378]
4638376 Tender for the Provision of a Shared Reading Service in the NI Criminal Justice Setting  (CfT No. 4638376)
4955117 Drugs and Alcohol Tender for the Provision of a Regional Service User Network for Adult Service Users and Service User Groups in Northern Ireland (Substance Use Services) ( (CfT No. 4955117)
4455950 Tender for the Provision of a Youth Engagement Service for Children and Young People aged 11-25 in Northern Ireland (CfT No. 4455950)
4496888 Early Intervention Support Services for Families with Children aged 0 - 18 years
4339422 Tender for the Provision of Bereaved by Suicide Co-ordination, Facilitation and Development Project
Pre-Tender Market Engagement - Tender for the provision of Early Intervention Support Services for Families with Children between 0-18 years old