Annual Quality Report 2023/24

Annual quality reports are a recommendation of the Department of Health in line with the implementation of the Q2020 Strategy - Quality 2020.
This report covers the period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024, the second year since the dissolution of the Health and Social Care Board and the creation of the Strategic Planning and Partnership Group (SPPG).
Moving forward, the SPPG has continued to carry out the roles and responsibilities previously undertaken by the HSCB, working closely with PHA in all elements of Safety, Quality and Experience to improve outcomes for residents of Northern Ireland, but as of last year, no longer contributes to this Annual Quality Report.
The report was written under the following 5 strategic goals:
- Transforming the Culture
- Strengthening the workforce
- Measuring the improvement
- Raising the standards
- Integrating the care
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general public