Tender No: 1555831
Tender Name: Youth Engagement Service for Young People Aged 11-25 in Derry/Londonderry
Contract Period: 1st June 2019 to 30th June 2021 (with the option to extend the Contract for two further periods of 12 months to 30 June 2023)
The Public Health Agency (PHA) wishes to invite applications from Tenderers for the provision of a Youth Engagement Service in the Derry/Londonderry area. This Service provides a wide range of interventions and acts as a hub where young people have opportunities to socialise in an alcohol and drug-free environment and avail of information, advice and support on a range of issues from relevant Services both on-site and off-site, with the support of staff from the Youth Engagement Service.
The Public Health Agency will award one Tenderer to this Contract. A single organisation may submit a Tender in its own right as a single entity, or participate in a Tender response as a constituent member of a consortium or as a lead contractor or as a sub-contractor in a sub-contracting arrangement. However, a single organisation may only be party to one Tender Response i.e. a single organisation cannot submit a Tender response as a single entity and also participate as a member of a consortium and/or as a lead contractor or as a sub-contractor in a sub-contracting arrangement in a separate Tender response.
Budget - The Contract value will not exceed £130,000 per annum or £270,833.33 for the initial Contract period term of 25 months. If additional funds are made available to the PHA for the Services there could potentially be up to 50% being added to the Contract value on an in year basis. However, this would be at the discretion of the PHA and subject to (i) demand for the Services and (ii) satisfactory performance monitoring.
The Tender pack is available through the procurement web portal eTendersNI, at https://eTendersNI.gov.uk (Resource ID 1555831)