Raising dysphagia awareness through eLearning module Universal Swallow Awareness

This module has been developed by the HSC Clinical Education Centre in collaboration with the HSC Public Health Agency and trusts as part of the Swallow Aware Campaign which seeks to develop systems, processes and services for people living with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties, also known as dysphagia.
The aim of this eLearning is to raise awareness of eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties and to promote safe and effective care for those affected.
By the end of the module participants will be able to;
- Describe what eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties mean, and their associated health risks.
- Identify possible signs of eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties.
- Explain how to support people with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties.
- Discuss eating, drinking and swallowing safety and awareness.
- Recognise if someone is choking.
Get started here Universal Swallow Awareness eLearning module
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