Public Health Agency Pseudomonas statement – Tuesday 7th February 2012

Public Health Agency Pseudomonas statement – Tuesday 7th February 2012

The total number of pseudomonas cases and colonisations notified to the Public Health Agency (PHA) today (7th February) are as follows:

Total number of confirmed pseudomonas infections associated with the Royal Jubilee Maternity Hospital (RJM) outbreak: seven (in RJM).

Number of babies currently in neonatal units who have confirmed pseudomonas colonisations and are associated with the RJM outbreak: six (in RJM).

Number of other babies currently in neonatal units who have confirmed pseudomonas colonisations: five (in Altnagelvin, Craigavon and Antrim).


Colonisation means that pseudomonas has been found on the babies’ skin or secretions and confirmed by a lab.

Once a baby has been reported as colonised, it retains this status until it is discharged from hospital.

Photo Credit: Janice Haney Carr. Content Providers(s): CDC/ Janice Haney Carr.