Public health advice following flooding

Flooding has affected a number of areas in Northern Ireland causing disruption and the Public Health Agency (PHA) is reminding people of the potential public health risks associated with flash flooding.
Further heavy rain is forecast for Thursday afternoon by the Met Office which has issued a Yellow warning with a possible rainfall of 10mm in an hour in some places – especially across Antrim and Down.
Dr Anne Wilson, Public Health Consultant for the PHA, said: "In relation to flooding, the main risk relates to injuries caused by hidden dangers under the water such as missing manhole covers or people falling into fast flowing waters. The stress and strain of being flooded and cleaning up can have a notable impact on mental health and wellbeing.
“The risk of contracting illness is generally low. However, as it is not always clear whether water is contaminated or not, the public are urged to exercise caution and assume that flood water is contaminated."
Dr Wilson reminded residents there are a number of precautions to prevent health problems if there is a flood situation in the home.
These include:
• Wherever possible try to avoid coming into direct contact with floodwater;
• Do not let children play in floodwater;
• Use rubber gloves when cleaning up;
• Wash hands after being in contact with flood water, sewage or anything contaminated by these;
• Wash children’s hands regularly;
• Clean toys that have been in flood water with disinfectant;
• Cover cuts or open sores;
• Don’t eat any food that has been in contact with flood water;
• Clean all surfaces with disinfectant before any food is placed on them;
• Contact your GP if you or a relative develops a stomach upset following flooding.
Dr Wilson added: “Care must be taken when clearing up after flooding as there is a serious danger posed by carbon monoxide fumes from the indoor use of generators to dry out buildings.”
If flooding occurs in your local area contact the Flooding Incident Helpline on 0300 2000 100 immediately. This service is available 24 hours a day every day of the year. More weather information is available here
Further information can also be found on:
For media enquiries contact the PHA communications office on 028 9055 3663.
Further information can also be found on:
Belfast City Council :
NI Water:
Health Protection Agency:
Met Office: