Linking generations to help combat loneliness, ageism and share skills

Today is the start of Global Intergenerational Week (24-30 April) which aims to support the growth of links between young and older people to have a positive impact on health and wellbeing.
Involving over 15 countries, the week aims to promote intergenerational practices, help to combat a range of issues, including ageism, loneliness and social isolation, and to inspire and grow an age-friendly society connecting older and younger people.
Since 2015 the Public Health Agency (PHA) has funded small grants schemes managed by Linking Generations Northern Ireland (LGNI) to help achieve these goals. The PHA currently funds 40 intergenerational projects with the aim of creating connections across generations and organisations that wouldn’t normally work together, and have a lasting impact for both the individuals and our communities.
Jeff Scroggie, Regional Lead for Later Years at the PHA, said: “Supporting different generations to interact can have positive impacts for both older and young people. There are opportunities for both to learn from each other by sharing different skills and knowledge. It can help combat loneliness, help gain a better understanding of ageing and have positive impacts on overall health and wellbeing.
“The PHA’s partnership with LGNI forms an important part of our age-friendly strategy, where communities are encouraged to be places that enable people to age well, living a good later life, participating in the activities they value and enjoy, and contributing to their communities for as long as possible.
“Global Intergenerational Week offers an opportunity to showcase this work within our communities.
“The small grants projects take place across many settings, including schools, nurseries, care homes, sports clubs and other community groups which link with the work of the PHA-funded Age-Friendly Coordinators across all 11 council areas.
“The age-friendly work undertaken by the PHA forms part of our participation in the World Health Organization’s Age-Friendly Communities Programme.”
Vicki Titterington, Director of LGNI, said: “We are delighted to see a cross-section of new projects coming onboard this year as well as seeing ongoing projects flourish, incorporating intergenerational and age-friendly values into their everyday practice.
“The theme of this year’s campaign is that intergenerational practice isn’t just nice, it’s essential, and feedback from the groups we work with, highlight many long-term benefits for both generations.
“Our evidence shows that intergenerational connections provide enhanced learning and skill sharing, a boost to mental wellbeing and self-confidence, a reduction in ageism, friendships and social connections being made and an opportunity for all generations to feel valued and part of the community. “Project leaders have told us that they have made new links, developed new skills and they plan to sustain their intergenerational work into the future.
“We will be visiting groups over the next week and sharing photographs on our Linking Generations Northern Ireland Facebook page and on our website.
“I would encourage people to take a look, be inspired and think of ways they or their organisation can incorporate intergenerational practice into their workplaces and communities.”
To find out more about what is happening during Global Intergenerational Week and to get involved now and in the future visit
Notes to editors
- Each day of Global Intergenerational Week will focus on a different theme:
Day 1 – Let’s Raise Intergenerational Awareness
Day 2 – Let’s Build Intergenerational Partnerships
Day 3 – Let’s Combat Loneliness and Social Isolation
Day 4 – Let’s Celebrate Intergenerational Spaces and Communities
Day 5 – Let’s Break Down Age Barriers
Day 6 – European Day - Solidarity between Generations
Day 7 – Let’s Build Intergenerational Workplaces
- Linking Generations Northern Ireland (LGNI) inspires and supports the growth of an age-friendly society through connecting older and younger people. They use their expertise to empower communities, organisations and decision makers to use and recognise intergenerational approaches to social change, through tailor-made projects, training programmes and community networks of intergenerational supporters.
- The small grants funding from the PHA aims to create connections across generations and organisations that wouldn’t normally work together. LGNI’s vision is that these connections and relationships will continue into the future. Activities can be a one-off event or a project delivered over a number of sessions promoting the value of incorporating Intergenerational and Age-friendly values into everyday practice. Visit
- World Health Organisation Age Friendly Communities - to date the PHA has committed to invest over £2.5 million over a 5-year period (2021 – 2026) to ensure Northern Ireland becomes an Age-Friendly Region. An Age-Friendly Community is a place that enables people to age well and live a good later life. Somewhere that people can stay living in their homes, participate in the activities they value, and contribute to their communities, for as long as possible. Through this funding each of the eleven councils have appointed an Age-Friendly Co-ordinator to engage with local communities, establish baselines and develop plans to become Age-Friendly Communities
A list of UK network of Age-friendly communities is available at