Have your say on what we do!

PHA corporate plan 2025-2030 title page

Consultation on the draft Public Health Agency (PHA) Corporate Plan 2025-2030 is now live. The draft Corporate Plan, initial draft equality screening, initial draft rural screening and the consultation questionnaire are all available via the PHA Website - Current Consultations section. The consultation will end on 28 February 2025.

The draft Corporate Plan 2025-2030 has been developed through engagement with staff and stakeholders alongside review of key strategic documents and drivers including the vision set out by the Minister of Health in Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together, the Making Life Better Public Health Framework and the Draft Programme for Government Framework 2024-2027.

This draft Plan sets out the strategic direction for the PHA for the next five years in terms of what we will do and how we will work as an organisation and we would really encourage you to get involved and have your say.

Engagement with staff and colleagues and external stakeholders has been central to the development of the draft PHA Corporate Plan 2025-2030 so far and continues to be essential through the consultation phase of this process. We will be announcing engagement events in coming weeks for those who wish to discuss the draft plan further with us. Further details of these events will follow in due course.

The consultation questionnaire is also available in alternative formats including Microsoft Word, available on request. The questionnaire is for guidance and so we will also accept and consider written submissions about the Corporate Plan that do not use the questionnaire format.

Submit your responses as follows:

Online form:
All responses should be submitted via our online public consultation questionnaire also accessible using QR code below 

Draft PHA Corporate Plan 2025-2030 online public consultation questionnaire

Send your response to phacorporateplan@hscni.net .

Hard copies can be submitted to:
PHA Corporate Plan Consultation
Public Health Agency
4th Floor South
12-22 Linenhall Street
Belfast BT2 8BS

All responses should be submitted by 4.00pm on Friday 28 February 2025 (close of the consultation).  
If you have any queries about the consultation, or wish to meet to discuss the draft Corporate Plan, please contact the project team using the email address phacorporateplan@hscni.net