CONSULTATION EVENTS - HSC Equality and Disability Action Plans 2023-2028

The BSO and nine partner HSC organisations are currently consulting on their draft Equality and Disability Action Plans 2023-2028.
As part of the consultation we will be holding two consultation events on the following dates:
- Thursday 25 May 2023 – 11.00am -12.00pm
- Tuesday 20 June 2023 – 2.30pm -3.30pm
The purpose of the events is to provide an opportunity for you to tell us what you think about the action plans and for us to listen to your views.
The consultation events will be held online via Microsoft Teams.
If you are interested in attending the events, please contact us to register by 12th May 2023.
To help us with the planning and running of the events, we would be grateful if you could let us know the following information:
- Which event you are registering for
- Whether you are attending as a member of the public or on behalf of an organisation
- Which organisation/s you would particularly like to engage with
- Whether you have any requirements for communication support.
To register:
- Email -
- Telephone - 028 9536 3961
- Write to -
Business Services Organisation
Equality Unit
2, Franklin Street
For further information on the Equality and Disability Action Plans, please see links to consultation documents as given below:
Website link for the consultation document |
Blood Transfusion Service |
Business Services Organisation |
Children’s Court Guardian Agency for NI (formerly NIGALA) |
NI Medical and Dental Training Agency | |
NI Practice and Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery |
Equality and Disability Action Plans 2023-2028 Consultation | NIPEC ( |
Northern Ireland Social Care Council |
Consultation - Equality and Disability Action Plans 2023-28 - NISCC |
Patient and Client Council |
Public Health Agency |
Consultation: Equality and Disability Action Plans 2023-28 | HSC Public Health Agency ( |
Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority | |
Safeguarding Board for NI |