The PHA is fully committed to equal opportunities and this section focuses on our responsibilities as a public body in Northern Ireland.
Under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 there is a legal requirement for public authorities to consider the possible impact of all their decisions on nine specified equality categories and also how to promote equality of opportunity and good relations in all areas of our work.
We have to consider how to promote equality of opportunity in relation to the following nine equality categories:
- religious belief;
- sexual orientation
- political opinion
- gender
- racial group
- disability (those with a disability and those without)
- age
- dependency (those with dependants and those without)
- marital status.
Equality documentation
Equality Scheme
Equality and Disability Action Plan
- PHA equality and disability action plans 2023-2028
- PHA_Equality and Disability_Action_Plan_2022-23.pdf
Annual Progress Reports
- Annual_Progress_Report_to_the_Equality_Commission 2015-16
- Annual_Progress_Report_to_the_Equality_Commission 2016-17
- Annual_Progress_Report_to_the_Equality_Commission 2017-18
- Annual_Progress_Report_to_the_Equality_Commission 2018-19
- Annual_Progress_Report_to_the_Equality_Commission 2019-20
- Annual_Progress_Report_to_the_Equality_Commission 2020-21
- Annual_Progress_Report_to_the_Equality_Commission 2021-22
Consultation Reports
- PHA consultation: equality and disability action plans 2023-2028
- PHA Consultation Report Equality Action Plans - final 9 August 2013
- Master Consultation Report Disability Action Plans Feedback_13 Mar 2013.pdf
- PHA Consultation Report Equaltity Scheme and Action Plan_Dec 2011.pdf
Equality and Human Rights Screening
For details on all policies we have screened to date please click on the link below which will take you to the relevant website. This website is maintained by the Business Services Organisation’s Equality Unit who support us on equality matters.
Please click on the links to view current quarterly screening reports or archive of screening reports.