Early Years Intervention Tender Opportunities- 08/05/15

                                                                   TENDER OPPORTUNITIES

The Public Health Agency (PHA) wishes to tender for the following three services. These social care initiatives are classified under the Public Contracts Regulations as ‘Social and Other Specific Services’ and fall within those services listed in Schedule 3 of the Public Contract Regulations. As such, this tender for these services is subject to the provision of Section 7 of the Public Contract Regulations – otherwise known as the ‘Light Touch Regime’. 

1. Tender for Early Intervention Support Services for Families with Children between 0 and 18 years old (ITT_28928)

This service is to be delivered in community settings to families with children between 0 and 18 years old across Northern Ireland. The total value of the contracts will be £ 2,157,515.

The tender is divided into five separate Lots. Lot 1: Belfast Outcomes Group Area; Lot 2: Northern Outcomes Group Area; Lot 3: South Eastern Outcomes Group Area; Lot 4: Southern Outcomes Group Area; Lot 5: Western Outcomes Group Area. The PHA intends to award one contract in each of the five Lots.

These contracts will run for 33 Months from the 1 August 2015 to 30 April 2018 with a possible further 2x12 month extensions until 30 April 2020.

2. Tender for the Establishment of Framework Agreements for Family Group Conferencing Services for Families with Children between 0 and 18 years old (ITT_28929)


The PHA wishes to establish Single Supplier Frameworks to develop and provide Family Group Conferencing Services for families with children aged 0 to 18 in each of five separate Lots as follows.

Lot 1: Belfast Outcomes Group Area; Lot 2: Northern Outcomes Group Area; Lot 3: South Eastern Outcomes Group Area; Lot 4: Southern Outcomes Group Area; and, Lot 5: Western Outcomes Group Area. The PHA intends to appoint one supplier to the framework in each of the five Lots.

These Framework Agreements will run for 33 Months from the 1 August 2015 to 30 April 2018 with a possible further 2x12 month extensions until 30 April 2020.


3. Tender for the Establishment of Framework Agreements for Strengthening Families and Incredible Years Programmes for Families with Children between 0 and 18 years old (ITT_28930)

The PHA now wishes to establish Single Supplier Frameworks to deliver Evidence Informed Parenting Programmes for families with children aged 0 to 18 in each of 10 Lots (as set out in the table below) with one per programme per Lot area (a Lot area being a specific geographic area within the boundary of a Health and Social Care Trust). The PHA intends to appoint one supplier to the framework in each of the 10 Lots.


Lot areas                                   Strengthening Families     Incredible Years

Belfast Outcomes Group Area                Lot 1                                   Lot 6

Northern Outcomes Group Area             Lot 2                                   Lot 7

Sth Eastern Outcomes Group Area         Lot 3                                  Lot 8

Southern Outcomes Group Area             Lot 4                                  Lot 9

Western Outcomes Group Area              Lot 5                                  Lot 10

These Framework Agreements will run for 21 Months from the 1 August 2015 to 30 April 2017 with a possible further 3x12 month extensions until 30 April 2020.

To download a tender pack register on eSourcing NI if you haven’t previously done so (https://e-sourcingni.bravosolution.co.uk). Login and follow the ‘link for ITT’s open to all suppliers’. Click on the ‘search/filter’ button. Search on the ITT Code for the relevant ITT Number (ITT_28928, ITT_28929 or ITT_28930). Select ‘Invitation to Tender’ and then click on ‘Express Interest’. You will then be able to download the tender pack. The closing date for the submission of completed tender responses and accompanying information is 3pm on Friday 12 June 2015 and should be uploaded to eSourcing NI using the relevant ITT Link.

The PHA is keen to create additional benefits derived from the procurement of these services. A number of performance indicators and social clauses are therefore attached to these contracts. For further details please refer to the tender pack.




eBravo tender
Closing date
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