What we do

The Public Health Agency (PHA) is responsible for providing health protection and health and social wellbeing improvement to every member of every community in Northern Ireland. We are committed to addressing the causes and associated inequalities of preventable ill-health and lack of wellbeing. 
The Public Health Agency was established in April 2009 as part of the reforms to Health and Social Care (HSC) in Northern Ireland. We are a multi-disciplinary, multi-professional body with a strong regional and local presence. 


The PHA operates under a framework of three functional areas: Public Health, Nursing and Allied Health Professionals, and Operations, in order to carry out our mandate to safeguard public health, promote public health and social welfare, and reduce inequalities in health and social wellbeing. Our corporate and business plans reflect these arrangements and our purpose as an organisation. Access our Directorates and Service Areas here  


  • whooping cough

    Whooping cough vaccine now more accessible for pregnant women

    - News
    The Public Health Agency (PHA) has announced that the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine is now available through HSC Trust antenatal clinics, making it more accessible for pregnant women. It will also continue to be available through GP practices
  • Illustrated graphic with added text 'Hot weather advice'

    Hot weather advice issued ahead of high temperatures

    - News
    With high temperatures forecast for the coming days across the UK and Ireland, the Public Health Agency (PHA) is urging people to be UV aware, protect themselves from the sun and look out for vulnerable and older people. There are a number of simple
  • Image of Dessie Lowry getting active

    Limavady man encourages people to get active on the commute

    - News
    Dessie Lowry from Limavady decided to incorporate more physical activity into his work day by bringing his bicycle to work and going for a cycle as part of the Active Travel Challenge (ATC). The 64-year-old Nursing Consultant at the Public Health

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