Centre for Connected Health and Social Care: Delivering Innovation
Following an announcement today by the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety Edwin Poots MLA, the European Centre for Connected Health, Public Health Agency (PHA), will now be known as the Centre for Connected Health and Social Care, Public Health Agency.
The Centre for Connected Health and Social Care will continue to promote improvements in patient care through the use of technology and fast-track new products and innovation in the Health and Social Care system in Northern Ireland. Connected Health is a term used to describe a model for healthcare delivery that uses technology to provide healthcare remotely, and to allow patients more freedom to lead their own lives. The aim is to optimise the use of healthcare resources and provide increased, flexible opportunities for patients to engage with clinicians and to better self-manage their care.
Speaking after the announcement, Eddie Rooney, Chief Executive, PHA, said: “These developments reflect the pursuit of innovation within Health and Social Care for the ultimate benefit of patients. The Centre for Connected Health and Social Care’s established role in this work means it is perfectly placed to contribute to the continued modernisation of the Northern Ireland Health and Social Care system. The Centre will continue to identify and test connected Health and Social Care technologies, encourage innovation, and play a key role in the areas of research and economic development opportunities.”
Eddie Ritson, Centre for Connected Health and Social Care Programme Director, added: “The rebranding reinforces the opportunities which exist to introduce new technologies across the provision of both Health and Social Care. The Centre will bring forward and seek to fast-track the widespread application of new ways of working. There is a need to change the way in which we provide Health and Social Care services, and there is an opportunity for us to benefit from what technology offers in supporting professionals in the delivery of modern and person-centred services.”
The primary purpose of the Centre for Connected Health and Social Care is to improve the patient and client experience, and to provide better quality and more effective care. By supporting the more efficient delivery of services, it also enables the healthcare system to respond better to the future needs of the population.
The renaming of the Centre corresponds with the signing of the Connected Health and Prosperity Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) and Invest Northern Ireland (sponsored by the Department for Enterprise, Trade and Investment). The purpose of the Memorandum of Understanding is to provide a basis through which the DHSSPS and the Health and Social Care sector, working in collaboration with Invest NI, can build on its role by supporting clinical research and development. This will provide a basis through which we can support Invest NI to promote Northern Ireland as a pro-business region in the Health and Life Sciences sector.